Monday, May 4, 2015

Let's think of Serving in Silence

1. Describe these reactions:

A. Military: Not acceptable;immoral;condemned in military regulation.
B. Father: Doesn't accept it, even when he does he wants it to be a secret.
C. Children Each Son (s):Big three are ok, but the youngest is in denial.

2. Margarethe's decision to tell

A. the military :Just popped during an evaluation
B. her children :has to tell them because of a potential lawsuit.
C. her father: tell her father before confrontation.

3. What is your reaction to this true story? Do you believe that she should have kept her secret or told it to everyone? Explain your reasons why.

I very much enjoyed this story.  I should have looked for more information on it but from what I saw, the story was good.  After thinking on it for a while, I noticed it’s time frame.  I’ve had a few homosexual friends and they’ve had problems coming out in our time, this happened before I was even born.  One must be amazingly lucky to have such an accepting group of family and friends to support you if you go through something like this.  I don’t think there’s a right answer to that question, it’s really about how one feels.  As she said she wasn’t hiding it, she was just, not exposing it all the time, it’s her relationships, she does what she wants, and what she feels is right.

5. How would Dr. Kinsey explain the Margarethe Cammermeyer's sexuality?
She is a mother of 4 boys so how can she be lesbian? Is it her choice?

I'm not sure. We had a debate and we classified her in different parts of his scale, but always on the homosexual part.  If she identifies as a lesbian then she is.  And possibly she didn't know until she fell in love.  It's not her choice, its who she is.

6.What does Margarethe believe about her sexuality as it relates to her identity?

It doesn't change who she is, it's just Part of who she is.


  1. Comparing to how hard it is for gays to come out these days and be accepted, it must’ve been extremely hard for her to do it back then. It’s really is amazing that she had people who supported her.

  2. I agree with the part where you say it's possible she didn't know of her homosexuality until she fell in love with someone from her own gender. I've seen it happen in real life, and it's something that I'm surprised many people have a hard time accepting happens.
