Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Let's think about having to act

Acting is fun.  Playing a character is fun.  That's one of the reasons i enjoy playing dungeons and dragons, it's not completely acting, but its setting yourself in the mindset of a created character, that is not your own.

In class i had to act as a homeless guy.  It was okay with me, i was just acting in front of a few people i could possibly call friends.  After that the professor said we could present it on a stage, i panicked a bit on the inside but ignored the comment.  Later i filled in the space for another group's mini play, which was fun, i didn't have to know my lines just act them out and the character was a dick so it was fun to play.  I thought i was done with this.

Some classes afterwards I learned i had to do the same thing i had done on a stage.  OH BOY. Oh no. I couldn't escape.  My crappy acting skills will be shown for other people to see.  I hoped no one will go so they would think of me as "that guy that played the homeless guy" when they see me around.  I hoped i could get out somehow, because it was stressing me out just to think that i would have to act in front of people.  I absolutely adore acting silly but i never do it much if i dont trust or know the person, and just having to act serious in front of a crowd shook me.  In the end it all went well, no one actually cared, i bet everyone that went didn't have much else to do, and they probably understood how i felt, so i was ok with the outcome.

Final thoughts: Holy crap i thought i wouldnt come out alright but i did, somehow. 2/10 would not do again.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Totally agreed, even though I had no more than 5 lines, acting in front of what we thought would be a big crowd made me a little nervous too. Those horrifying expectations worked in our favor when we saw how small and relatively empty it was though.
