Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Let's think about DM-ing

The DM, the Dungeon Master, is the person that controls a Dungeons and Dragons game(there are other definitions and games, but im gonna go with this one).  

Recently, in this last year, i have accomplished what i believe to be a geek goal of the highest caliber, I began playing Dungeons and Dragons(D&D).  D&D is a game where a DM makes a world and a situation, including characters and battles, and the Players create Characters(called Player characters, or PC's ) to go on an adventure in this world and meet the DM's world and Characters(this time Non-playable Characters, or NPC's).

After a while of playing, I showed it to some of my friends and I became their DM in a game we decided to play.  This is such an amazing chance, but it has so many things to do.  What I love the most and have trouble with DMing is world building.  I have created a new world and created it's towns, but not how they look like and I'm missing it's lore.

Sure the people of Bolkos are peaceful people that escaped the war, but what was that war about? Who fought who?  Sure Kelos is a merchant community, but what does it look like? who lives and works there? What are the Dwarven communities called and what do they mine?  

DMing is a hard job but it's great to see players enjoy the world.

Final thoughts: i enjoy this process a lot, even if i am just a beginner and i hope i can finish this game.

1 comment:

  1. I gotta admit, I've never been very interested in this game, but looking at it as an outsider and reading about your experience as a Dungeon Master and about how much you enjoy it can be, well... enjoyable.
