Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Let's think about Trifles

"Well, women are used to worrying over trifles."

     Trifles, something simple, something that doesn't matter... like the fact that the case you're investigating is a homicide not suicide.

     Trifles is the story of an investigation of what seems like a suicide by a farmer and how the police investigate it.  Well, that's what it seems like at first, but after a while the attention shifts to the women that were with them, and it shows them conducting their own investigation.  At one point one of the men says the line that i wrote at the beginning of the post, and then you know they, the men, are going to be the ones worrying over "trifles".  The women find out by observing knitting patterns and remembering how the people involved in the case were, that it was actually a murder and that the farmer's wife had been practicing a noose knot with her yarn, this is proved when they see her bird tied to a tiny noose.  At the end, what still baffles me a bit is that the women didn't share what they had learned, personally i would like to prove those that think i don't matter wrong, but that wasn't their mindset.

     This story is great.  We see how men ignore women and they just get back without even letting them know it.  They found out all the details of a case they just decided was a suicide.  I'm not sure what else to say about it.  I enjoyed it but just once, it didn't have much of a reread feeling.  The story was ok, a bit predictable but its nice.  I wish we could see consequences to them keeping the info.

Final Thoughts:  Anyone that hasn't read it. should read it, I am sorry to spoil the good parts, but i didn't give any important information of the story. 6/10 wont read again.


  1. I don't think we always focus on triffles! Hahaha, that's like me saying that you guys only worry about video games! :P

  2. I too find interesting how the women chose to keep it a secret instead of showing the men that they don’t just worry over trifles.

  3. I also liked that the women hid the evidence from the men. Instead of "ratting out" someone who is presumably their friend as a way to prove them wrong, they decide to keep their finding to themselves as a form of quiet vengeance. I like to picture them snickering while the men reach their conclusions, convinced that they're right.
