Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Let's think about the blogger

The blogger, in other words, me.

It is difficult to describe a person... and get them right.  There is always going to be something missing, or just not correct, because even when talking about yourself, you might say things that aren't true or miss facts that are important to describe you.

This doesn't matter, at least not here, this isn't "Let's think about thinking about yourself" it's "Let's think about the blogger" which in this case, it's me (unless you're a blogger too, but that doesn't matter, I'm still going to talk about me).

My name is Dylan Cruz and I am a first year math mayor in the UPR Rio Piedras campus.  The only fact in that sentence that will stay true (possibly) until I die is that that is my name, I will get to second year next semester and I'm still not sure if math is right for me (computer sciences and physics are very convincing).

I live in Trujillo Alto with my parents and my younger brother. I enjoy reading and playing video games, i do other stuff like listen to podcasts and talk on the phone with my friends for hours, but those usually involve stuff I read or played.  I normally obsess over what I'm interested in and read a lot about it, normally it's not that important so i have a lot of useless knowledge, fun facts if you wish.

Did you know that 1994's game Earthbound had 8 Mb used in just it's music, it doesn't sound like much but games at the time where normally from  4 to 8  Mb the whole game.  Also this game took 5 years to make which is a long time, then and now.

Anyways, that's me i guess. It could be someone else entirely, maybe i made this up, or maybe it's me from my own perspective and not really me, either way, now you know what kind of person you'll be reading the thoughts of.

Final thoughts: I am confused with myself, but i liked this.


  1. I liked your humor on "it's "Let's think about the blogger" which in this case, it's me (unless you're a blogger too, but that doesn't matter, I'm still going to talk about me)."

  2. Confusing is good! It means you know at least 1 thing! :D

  3. It's cool how you suddenly break off and talk about Earthbound, I think that little detail describes a bit of your own personality... Also, yeah, it's also pretty curious how back then deep, immersive, and entertaining games were just a few MB, and nowadays a single song can be 10MB while a game can be up to 50GB and many times even more.
